Beyond the Horizon

Sight + Sound, Spring 2024, Cover story

The New Horizons for Care Campaign has been a huge success. It was launched by The Eye & Ear Foundation in 2016 with a goal of reaching $80 million by the end of 2023. Seven short years later, thanks to all our Sight + Sound readers who have contributed, the goal has been surpassed.

Spurred by the growth of the Departments of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh, EEF CEO Lawton Snyder said at the campaign’s inception, “We saw an opportunity for Pittsburgh to be a world leader in finding new ways to advance care, first in our backyard, and ultimately the rest of the world.” Raising and distributing philanthropic dollars to the Departments fulfills EEF’s mission to support research to improve how we hear, see, and live.

We have seen the impact of the campaign in many ways in both Departments through the growth of research teams, new programs, bold initiatives, and rise in national rankings. This issue of Sight + Sound is devoted to this monumental accomplishment, with articles highlighting what the campaign has supported. We know that this is only the beginning of what needs to be done to make the type of impact Pittsburgh can make in these areas, but we are very proud of the accomplishments thus far.
