Ocular Inflammation

graphic illustration of the eye and uveitis

In the Eye & Ear Foundation’s October 7 webinar, “Ocular Inflammation,” Alex Mammen, MD, started by discussing inflammation of the cornea and external eye. The Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology […]

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Glaucoma and the Role of a Patient Navigator in Vision Care

Screenshot from the webinar of an eye with and without glaucoma

Dr. Andrew Williams, MD, an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology who specializes in the medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataracts, called the September 27th Eye & Ear Foundation webinar, […]

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Restoring Hearing and Regenerating Hair Cells

magnified image of hair cells

Dr. Peter Santa Maria, MD, PhD, opened the Eye & Ear Foundation’s September 13th webinar, “Restoring Hearing and Regenerating Hair Cells” with a quote from Helen Keller: “Blindness separates people […]

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Bridging the Gap Between Voice and Swallow

aerial view of city buildings and an interstate highway

Voice and swallow are interwoven, Dr. Sandra Stinnett, laryngologist and Director of the UPMC Swallowing Disorders Center, said in the Eye & Ear Foundation’s August 27th webinar, “Bridging the Gap […]

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The Who and Where of Head and Neck Cancer

A schematic cross-section of the head and neck, with a rainbow of colored sticks emanating from a star image in the center of the head and radiating out to various pink and purple colored globes depicting viruses associated with head and neck cancers.

Angela L. Mazul, PhD, MPH, joined the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery a year and a half ago as a dedicated cancer epidemiologist specializing in head and neck and […]

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Garden Childhood Vision & UPMC/WPSBC Garden Collaboration

group picture in the garden

The most common diagnosis in children who attend the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children (WPSBC) is cortical visual impairment (CVI). Preeti Patil, MD, a pediatric ophthalmologist and neuro-ophthalmologist who […]

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Decreased Sound Tolerance: Managing Reactions to Bothersome Sounds

people at a table in a restaurant

Noises are everywhere, but the average listener may not notice them, Dr. Lori Zitelli, Aud, CH-TM, Managing Audiologist, UPMC Department of Otolaryngology, said in the Eye & Ear Foundation’s July […]

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Seeing the Future of Gene Therapy

Many advancements have occurred in the field of gene therapy since the last webinar on this topic. The Eye & Ear Foundation’s June 25th webinar, “Seeing the Future of Gene […]

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Salivary Gland-Sparing Surgery and the Role of Sialendoscopy

salivary glands

The first slide in the Eye & Ear Foundation’s June 13th webinar, “Salivary Gland-Sparing Surgery and the Role of Sialendoscopy,” featured the cylinder scope. “This long instrument is the most […]

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Leveraging the Microbiome to Alleviate Ocular Surface Disease

keratic precipitate

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are leveraging the microbiome to alleviate ocular surface diseases. This exciting work was the topic of the Eye & Ear Foundation’s May 31st webinar, […]

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From Evaluation and Surgery to Life with a Cochlear Implant

man with cochlear implant

The Eye & Ear Foundation’s May 23 webinar, “From Evaluation and Surgery to Life with a Cochlear Implant,” featured three panelists. A UPMC cochlear implant surgeon, audiologist, and cochlear implant […]

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Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Geographic Atrophy: Advancements in Research and Care

The Eye & Ear Foundation closed out April with a webinar entitled, “Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Geographic Atrophy: Advancements in Research and Care.” The first presenter was Kunal Dansingani, MBBS, […]

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Treatment of Facial Paralysis: An Overview of the Current Landscape

screenshot of the webinar title and presenter info

In the Eye & Ear Foundation’s March 15th webinar, Dr. Christina Yver, MD, MBA, Director of the UPMC Facial Nerve Center, presented on a subject she called near and dear […]

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Introducing Street Lab – Improving Functional Outcomes in Low Vision Rehabilitation

Did you know that the UPMC Vision Institute has a patient-centered approach to low vision rehabilitation that involves novel technologies? In the Eye & Ear Foundation’s March fifth webinar, “Introducing […]

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Mandibular and Maxillary 3D Modeling in Head and Neck Reconstruction

CT scan of a patient's face with gaps filled in

Head and neck reconstruction is one of the toughest things Dr. Matthew Spector, MD, FACS, does as a surgeon. The Division Chief of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology and Microvascular […]

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