Donor Recognition Walls

A LED lit wall display at the Vision Institute and the Eye and Ear Institute recognizes donors with different tiers of giving. Donors who gave over $10,000 to the New Horizons for Care Campaign are honored at the top.
Your support will go directly to help fund innovative research and world-class patient care in the Departments of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Several giving options are available that will leave a lasting legacy of your support. Gifts of cash, stock, pledges, and planned gifts are counted in the donor wall levels. You also have the opportunity to make a donation in honor or memory of someone and have their name appear on the donor wall.
Tier 1: $5,000,000+
Tier 2: $1,000,000-$4,999,999
Tier 3: $500,000-$99,999
Tier 4: $100,000-$499,999
Tier 5: $10,000-$99,999
Contact us to confirm level or more info: 412-864-1300 or
Gifts of Cash
Gifts to The Eye & Ear Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation can be made by check or credit card via our donation page, mail, or phone.
If mailing a check, please make it payable to The Eye & Ear Foundation and send to:
The Eye & Ear Foundation
203 Lothrop Street
Suite 251 EEI
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
United Way Codes
940321 Eye & Ear Foundation of Pittsburgh
929792 Department of Ophthalmology – Eye & Ear Foundation
1006724 Department of Otolaryngology – Eye & Ear Foundation
A Pledge is similar to a cash gift in that it can be made by check or credit card. Pledges, however, differ in that they include a promise to pay a specified amount annually, over a given amount of time, often four or five years. If you are interested in making a Pledge, please contact us by telephone at (412) 864-1300.
Grants Policy
Grants will support the advancement of care for patients through research at the University of Pittsburgh. The Eye & Ear Foundation will issue grants directly to the Departments of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology at the discretion of the Department Chairmen or through the Office of Sponsored Programs at the University of Pittsburgh. A grant for research by the Eye & Ear Foundation to the University of Pittsburgh through its Office of Sponsored Programs cannot be used to pay any indirect costs.
Gifts of Securities
Transferring securities electronically is another way to give to The Eye & Ear Foundation. For more information on the process of donating securities please contact the Eye & Ear Foundation at (412) 864-1300 for more information.
Planned Giving
There are many different forms of planned giving, from simple bequests, to more complicated trust agreements, all of which are designed to best meet your goals and individual situation. Should you wish to discuss or learn more about Planned Giving, please call 412-864-1300.
IRA Charitable Rollover Gift
Those over 70 ½ years of age may make a gift from their IRA minimum distribution or from their IRA principal of up to $100,000 per year without claiming the gift as income. Unneeded assets can be used for immediate charitable needs of The Eye & Ear Foundation and your spouse can use his/her IRA to make a similar gift each year.
Cash for Annual Fund or Campaign
Your gift can be designated to a specific area of research or to an area of greatest need. You can create a permanent endowed fund in your name or the name of a loved one. Receive an immediate tax deduction up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. See your gift working to benefit our work today.
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
Regardless of your cost basis, you can claim today’s value as the gift and receive an income tax deduction without paying capital gains tax. Benefits include an immediate tax deduction up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. The remainder can be carried over for five additional years.
Other Retirement Funds – Pre Tax Funds: 403BS & 401KS
Instruct your retirement plan custodian to distribute all or a percentage of these funds to The Eye & Ear Foundation after your lifetime and leave after-tax funds to heirs. Pre-tax fund assets can be left to the Eye & Ear Foundation with no estate or income tax consequences.process of donating securities please contact the Eye & Ear Foundation at (412) 864-1300 for more information.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Provides income for life at a fixed rate based on your age. This donation/investment also provides tax-free income and an income tax deduction for you and another person. You can receive monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual distributions direct deposited to your account. The income for life is based on your age when you establish the annuity. Benefits include an immediate income tax deduction. Can use appreciated securities or cash for gift. Gift annuity provides tax free income.
Charitable Trusts
Lead Trust – make a significant gift to the Institute over a period of years, or for your life. A Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust or Charitable Remainder Unitrust can provide a yearly stream of income for the donor. Remainder of the Lead Trust provides untaxed wealth for your heirs. The remainder of Annuity or Unitrust is left to the Foundation could create an endowed fund.
Life Insurance Gifts
Make The Eye & Ear Foundation the full or partial beneficiary of a paid-up or ongoing life insurance policy. Cash in an existing paid-up policy to make an outright gift or to create a charitable gift annuity. Gifts of life insurance pass outside your estate; no estate tax for heirs or charity. Policy taken out in name of charity provides tax deduction on premium payments.
Bequests – Through Your Will or Living Trust
Have your attorney make a provision in your will as follows: “I give, devise and bequeath $__ (specify amount or % of estate or % of the remainder) of estate to: The Eye & Ear Foundation, 203 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.” Benefits include ownership of property or assets for life and no estate tax on bequests to charity. Government bonds may go to The Eye & Ear Foundation without being taxed.
Printable Planned Giving Brochure
Tribute Giving
In the event you would like to direct friends and family to send memorial or honor donations to the Eye & Ear Foundation, please contact us so that we may instruct you on the information to be included in such donations. With tribute giving, you can direct the gifts to a specific fund. These donations can also be made in your name, a loved one’s name, or your physician’s name.
Our charitable gift cards make wonderful gifts. When purchasing the gift cards, you can specify any amount you wish to donate and in whose honor, as well as the fund in which you wish to contribute.
An endowed fund is a gift that grants the Eye & Ear Foundation a stable flow of income, while supporting a meaningful purpose, often in the form of, among many others, a scholarship, lecture fund, fellowship, professorship, or chair, depending on the level of the gift. The Eye & Ear Foundation maintains a standard as to what kind of endowment can be established pending the donated funds, which is generally equivalent to University levels, although exceptions may be made, on occasion. Usually, an endowment is named after the donor or a person of their choice.
An endowment has many benefits, including the ability to maintain the principle, regardless of inflation, as well as provide a continuous stream of support according to the donor’s wishes. The distributed income from the principle is calculated according the Eye & Ear Foundation’s policy, which often reflects the policy of the University of Pittsburgh.
For more information, please contact us at 412-383-8756 with any questions. The process of establishing an endowment can be difficult, and we want to ensure your wishes are observed.