Paper on Novel Technique for PPS Tumor Removal

Hot off the press is an article written by three members of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, along with authors from the Department […]

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Published Study on Cortical Neuron Firing Patterns

In July, Michele Insanally, PhD, had a paper published in Nature Communications. The significant study is titled “Contributions of cortical neuron firing patterns, synaptic connectivity, and plasticity to task performance.” […]

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UPMC Skull Base Think Tank Publishes Manuscript

One of the first manuscripts from the UPMC Skull Base Think Tank has been published in JAMA-Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The UPMC Skull Base Think Tank is a North American […]

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PHRC Publishes Breakthrough

The Pittsburgh Hearing Research Center recently had a paper published in Nature Communications highlighting a breakthrough. Entitled “Cell-type-specific plasticity of inhibitory interneurons in the rehabilitation of auditory cortex after peripheral […]

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