Using Virtual Reality for Balance Disorders

Joseph M. Furman, MD

Joseph M. Furman, MDBalance disorders are a common problem with potentially debilitating effects. Because many different conditions can cause a balance disorder, in order to prescribe the best treatment, physicians must first determine the cause. An accurate diagnosis will allow the best treatment to be determined. The Center for Balance Disorders within the Department of Otolaryngology has a comprehensive testing facility and a team of experts to help identify and overcome your balance problem.

Dr. Joseph Furman’s research studies human vestibular function and balance disorders. On-going research projects include: the effects of aging on the human balance system, migraine-related dizziness, balance disorders in patients with anxiety, the development of new tests of vestibular function. Increasingly, Dr. Furman and his team utilize the latest technologies in Virtual Reality to simulate real-life scenarios and to allow them to assess progress in real time based on one’s performance in simulated situations. Dr. Furman’s research is performed in a collaborative environment with physical therapists, bioengineers, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and experts in brain imaging.

For the latest news on balance disorder research, subscribe to EEF’s Monthly Newsletter. To support Dr. Furman’s groundbreaking research on balance disorders treatments, make a donation to the Eye & Ear Foundation.
