Fox Center Symposium 2023

The Louis J. Fox Center for Vision Restoration of UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh held its annual symposium at the Vision Institute October 10-11, 2023.

The Fox Center is the first national, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary research and clinical program dedicated to ocular regenerative medicine. It focuses on the restoration of sight through tissue optic nerve regeneration.

Multiple scientists presented over the two-day conference on using several different strategies to regrow optic nerve as well as a few presentations on spinal cord regeneration. Dr. John Ash and Dr. Larry Benowitz led the conference, with Dr. Benowitz providing an overview on how research is progressing. 

Approximately 20 researchers from across the country spoke. Many ideas were shared, and collaborations started. Benefactors Louis Fox and his wife Dorothy attended, and Louis provided a passionate plea to the scientists to forge ahead quickly towards clinical trials.
